Thursday, 10 January 2013

Strawberry Nails

Nail art to make you feel fruity and cheer up on a cold January morning

Start off with some bright red nails- painted from top to bottom- reminds me of the colour of a red phone box. It will really give this design a base- if anyone wanted to give your nails a more fruit salad sort of feel then going for a paler red with a tint of pink could work too.

Next all you have to do is take a grass green colour and paint a semi circle at the top of the nail tip and then make them in to a zig zag pattern so they look like the stem off the strawberry if you leave enough space on the rest of the nail for the strawberry seeds
I didnt have the best version of gold to use for the seeds but something along these lines would look perfect- a bright yellow could work but i thought a sparkly gold would brighten them up a little more and look more authentic

Hope these will brighten up your miserable January mornings :)

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